Trusted Family Law Attorneys in Ann Arbor, Michigan

At Steslicki & Ghannam, PLC, our Ann Arbor family law attorneys represent clients throughout Michigan with a passion for producing favorable outcomes while helping them navigate emotional challenges, making the overall experience more manageable and less stressful.

Of the nearly 120,000 people who call Ann Arbor home, 44% are family households, and 20% have individuals under 18 living in them. This means many of our fellow Michigan residents here may need our help as their family dynamics change. We believe in providing customized legal solutions for each client we represent so they know we are placing their best interests first.

With a collective experience of over 30 years in divorce and family law, our Washtenaw County attorneys are adept at crafting tailored strategies for clients of all ages. Whether navigating a divorce, expanding your family through adoption or surrogacy, or dealing with any other family law matter, our seasoned lawyers are here to guide you through every step, starting with an initial consultation.

Skilled Ann Arbor, Michigan Family Law Attorney Practice Areas

Our Ann Arbor family lawyers are dedicated to leveraging our experience and skills to achieve the best possible outcomes for our clients.

This dedication has propelled us to become one of Southeast Michigan’s leading family law firms that represent individuals and families in the following practice areas:

At Steslicki & Ghannam, PLC, our Ann Arbor family law attorneys know that each client’s case is unique because it involves profoundly personal and intimate aspects of individuals’ lives, relationships, and circumstances.

We take the responsibility of guiding them through their legal journeys very seriously and help produce unique resolutions for each of our clients, no matter how their communication styles, conflict resolution skills, emotional vulnerabilities, and past experiences influence the dynamics of their case. Contact our Ann Arbor family lawyers today for help with your important case.

What are the Advantages of Collaborative Divorce in Michigan?

Our dedicated family law attorneys in Ann Arbor know that divorce is a deeply personal decision that requires a customized approach to producing positive results. This is why several divorce journeys are available to our clients based on their unique family dynamics.

Collaborative divorce in Michigan offers numerous advantages over traditional adversarial divorce proceedings, including:

  • Cost-Effective: Collaborative divorce is often less expensive than litigation because it avoids lengthy court battles and reduces legal fees and other associated costs.
  • Control and Flexibility: The process gives couples more control over the outcomes, enabling them to craft personalized solutions that best meet their family’s unique needs rather than having a judge impose decisions.
  • Privacy: Unlike court cases, collaborative divorce proceedings are private and confidential, protecting personal and financial details from becoming part of the public record.
  • Reduced Conflict: The collaborative approach promotes open communication and cooperation, helping to reduce animosity and fostering a more amicable relationship between the parties.
  • Focus on Children: The process prioritizes children’s well-being, encouraging parents to work together to create custody and support arrangements that are in their children’s best interests.
  • Emotional Support: Collaborative divorce involves a team of professionals, including mental health professionals and financial advisors, who provide emotional support and guidance, making the process less stressful and more manageable.
  • Efficiency: Collaborative divorce can be quicker than traditional litigation, as it avoids the delays and backlog often associated with the court system.
  • Better Long-Term Relationships: Collaborative divorce promotes respectful communication and cooperation, which helps maintain a better long-term relationship between ex-spouses. This is especially beneficial when children are involved.
  • Tailored Solutions: Couples can work together to create customized agreements that address their specific circumstances and future needs, which can be more flexible and creative than court-imposed solutions.
  • Voluntary Participation: Both parties must voluntarily agree to the collaborative process, which means they are more likely to be committed to finding mutually beneficial solutions and adhering to the final agreement.

Overall, collaborative divorce in Michigan offers a more respectful, efficient, and supportive way to dissolve a marriage. It focuses on the needs and interests of all parties involved. If this divorce solution is right for you and your spouse, we can help.

Contact Our Experienced Family Law Attorneys in Ann Arbor, Michigan For Help Today

No matter your family law needs, we can help reduce the impending stress, anxiety, and turmoil these important matters bring by managing communication between parties to reduce conflict or confusion, ensure compliance with legal procedures, and protect our client’s interests, ultimately striving for an outcome that aligns with their needs and goals.

Contact our dedicated Ann Arbor family law attorneys today to learn how we create effective and customized legal strategies to provide our clients with the best possible outcomes, regardless of their family law representation needs.