At Steslicki & Ghannam, PLC, our attorneys in Plymouth, Michigan, understand how the legal systems work. We are here to help you achieve your desired outcomes, such as an amicable collaborative divorce or planning for the future of your family. We provide a variety of family law and estate planning services to protect your family, and we offer our clients our combined experience that has won even the toughest cases.
Whether you are facing divorce, adoption, or estate planning, you need a licensed, professional attorney on your side who can help you navigate the complexities of our local legal systems and how individual statutes may affect your case.
Contact us today for a consultation, and let us put our experience and expertise to work to get the resolution you need for your case.
As your trusted legal team in Plymouth, Michigan, Sarah Steslicki and Angela Ghannam embody their values of authenticity, compassion, contentment, humor, and justice in the office, in the courtroom, and in their personal lives, seeking to minimize upheaval caused by legal challenges and situations. We are here to help you navigate the complicated waters of the legal system and focus primarily in the areas of family law and estate planning.
Sarah Steslicki and Angela Ghannam are highly experienced in family and estate planning law, and we are here to help you find the resolutions you need. We understand the challenges that any legal precedence creates. We approach every situation with a calm, cool mindset to avoid any unpleasantness.
Whether you are growing your family through adoption or surrogacy, ending your marriage, or planning for the future security and well-being of your family, attorneys Sarah Steslicki and Angela Ghannam are here to support you through all of your legal questions and concerns. We are your partner to help you ensure the security of your assets or create the child custody situation that best suits your family.
Contact us for all of your family law and estate planning legal needs. We are dedicated to providing our clients with the highest quality legal representation in a calm, drama-free environment.
Choosing the right person for your Estate Planning is a monumental task. However, I know I made the right choice with Angela Ghannam! Her professionalism, knowledge and attention to detail allayed all my fears. She covered all my needs for my Estate Planning, I highly recommend her!
Sarah and her staff did an EXCELLENT job with my divorce case. My divorce was finalized in June 2017. She was there from beginning to end. Even after the divorce was finalized my ex kept taking me back to court for stupid reasons, Sarah stood by my side for EVERYTHING. Thanks Sarah for all that I do & have done!!!
Angela was flexible with my work schedule, patient with my difficulties getting information, and most importantly available when I needed her to be. She’s an experienced attorney with knowledge beyond her years. Her personality and kindness made dealing with an awful situation just that much easier.
Ensure your assets are protected by hiring an experienced estate planning lawyer to set up a legal will, trust, power of attorney, medical directives , and more. We are here to ensure the future of your estate is well taken care of.
In circumstances where your family member does not have an estate plan, and their assets have made their way to probate, Steslicki and Ghannam can help you reclaim these assets.
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